Most of us wouldn’t change a thing, and some of us would tweak our wedding day just a little – or a lot!

-The groom!! Christine Martin
-The direction I walked down the aisle. Leann Cuppes
-Nothing!! It was a beautiful day with a beautiful woman and we are still together now for over 40 years!! Kevin P. Wrenn
-We eloped in 1988 and don’t have one single picture from the day. I would’ve at least brought a camera. Lorena Hampton
-Me not turning up. Julie Coleman McMurchie

-Waking up that morning. Sarah Smith
-Nothing!! I’m grateful for the day I had, loved having my nan there and she got to see me on my wedding day! Even though I’m not with the man I married I’ve got to appreciate what I’ve experienced! My kids and my life experiences! Natalie Jayne Wallis-Clark
-My husband. Jenifer Claris
-I would eat waaaaaay more of the food I paid for. Luke AlbrechtI
-Nothing. I married my best friend in the whole world at city hall and it was perfect. Just her and I, a commitment to each other, and a life full of love ahead. She’s my penguin and I love her so. Joshua Graziosi

-More music for my husband’s family to dance to… I didn’t know they were dancers! Victoria Myer Hrenda
-I wouldn’t change anything. I was married on the beach in Hawaii with my best friend. Sandy Pack was my maid of honor and her husband was Don’s groomsman. It was a beautiful sunny day and everything was perfect. (42 years ago). Nancie Silves
-The person I married. Kimberly Akers
-My dress. It wasn’t my choice. It was a big wedding. My Mum did an amazing job. Everyone said it was lovely. I don’t remember a lot of it. It was a bit of a haze. But we are still going 45 years later. Debbie Hopkins
-The words “I do “ to “I don’t”. Stewart Dean

-It was my dream wedding just not the dream guy. But luckily I met an amazing man after that and we will be celebrating 26 years together next month. Kristie Nelson
-I wouldn’t fall down! Jeanne Fugate Walton
-100% Would have eloped.
2. Invited fewer people.
3. Spent more time that day with just my husband I don’t even remember half of my wedding because it went by so fast.
4. Stress less trust me only you see the issues no one else does.
5. Get a videographer !!! Photos are nice but having videos would have made me remember more of the wedding. Plus sounds morbid but some people in your wedding may pass sooner than expected I wish I had videos of them having fun.
6. Remember it’s your wedding don’t let family control you or your decisions. Maria Austin
-Absolutely nothing because I’m still rocking 13 years strong with my best friend if I changed anything I might not be with her. Jon Dykes
-Not a single thing, it was a perfect day. Kristal Robertson Armatage

-NOTHING! It was AWESOME, BUT I do wish I would have been more relaxed and could have enjoyed it more. Maybe a drink or 2 might have helped. Anne Kachanis
-Almost everything except the groom…18 years married and still falling more in love each day. Nalini Nayar Dugo
-The weather Was blowing in Jan but had the best day Loved my wedding day and still be together shortly to be 43 years. Eva O’Halloran
-Nothing. My 2 favorite ppl were there, and I wore jeans it was the perfect day. Lamiel Navarro
-I would have worn a more comfortable dress and made really really sure that it was something we were ready for. I adore my husband and he is my forever best friend. A chance to renew our vows would be something very special. Lonnie SchmitI

-I would have hired a professional photographer, my uncle missed so many of the important photos and we didn’t even get a group photo. Samatha Reid
-Checking my dress to ensure the back seam was sewn up (the seamstress had opened it to allow for easier fittings)….my poor mum had to haul out the sewing machine at the last second which then led me to be way more than fashionably late for the ceremony! Colleen Riley
-I’d warn my husband (married 46 years now) that if he shoved the wedding cake in my face I’d divorce him on the spot. Gay Deamer
-I wouldn’t change a thing. I married my best friend, the love of my life and the sweetest man I’ve ever met. It was a perfect day with our family and friends and it was a beautiful wedding that lasted all weekend. Best day of my life. 28 years married. Carol WhetstoneI
-Get my husband some dancing lessons. Glenda Huitema